Tuesday, April 11, 2006

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We Start Every Round of Trivia with....


if youve been to locos- loehmans plaza for trivia then you know what i be saying. if not, thats cool too.

Last night was the home opener for your Atlanta Braves. we left our place around 6:05 for a 7:05 game. dont ask me why TBS is always on the retard clock. i dont even think i can explain what happened in sane terms, but somehow we got stuck in traffic jams in 8 different locations around the stadium. north ave. to juniper/courtland was absolutely fucked on the way in. once we got to that weird expressway turnoff parking area, it was packed so we decided to get back on 85 and go one more exit. a cop was blocking that exit. we went 1.25 miles past to the next exit and doubled back to a train rolling through. then we went through various side streets on the ghetto side of turner field. at one point a cop pointed traffic in the direction of another cop who was blocking the street. almost an hour later i ended up back where i started, no traffic, $12 to pay, FUCK!

but anyway once the madness stopped the game was on. giles cracked his first HR of the season. laroche, who i am always partial to, was dotting 2Bs. everyone but francouer the wonderboy was doing pretty well. 5-3, good game winning home opener.
in other sports news, i was the self proclaimed offensive mvp for our kickball game #1. considering that only the top half of the lineup got to bat twice, my stats were 2-2, single, double, 1 rbi, 2 runs. we won the game 9-5. kicked some weirdo pirate people's asses. also yayayan had his legs swept out from underneath him when he was subbing 2nd base for me and a dude slid. in kickball. i tried to rush the field but was held back by a cute puppie.
i have been checking ups tracking numbers for the past 4 days straight. you see, my new life has been delivered from the great best buy warehouses in ohio to the front door of my place in atlanta. thats right everybody, my ixbox360 came today. of course i had to go home for lunch to see if it was true. mmmm, that little brown package gave me half a chub. i didnt even get to play it, i was forced to open the box and see what the fuck this thing even looked like. its almost like a mini tower (think PC) with magical goodness inside. the best part is its wireless, no more fucking with that shit. i guess i cant really explain how this changes my life. some friends have told me they wont ever see me again. i'm a goner and will be lost in video game land for days, weeks, months...years? it might very well be true. anyone else who reads this and has 360 holler back, tell me some goodie games i should buy. as always you can check my stats on the side column ======>
and as if it wasnt obvious enough, my gamer tag is VICKLANTA. recognize. byatch.
tomorrow i will have some 'weekend crumbs' and pictures to show. in other news, my KY Derby '06 plans are in order. youve heard of all the characters before. the '06 crew is as follows (and theyre all ripe, sweet, derby virgins):

Timmy (on the right)

Raahk (and his date rape story) (on the left)

Country Mike (the wanker) (tequila face)


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