I Am Not A Friendster Whore
Connections. Networking. Friendster provides not these things.
(ya i ripped that off from yoda, so what)
Friendster, created in 2002 by Jonathan Abrams, the first .com social networking site. at least thats how he bills it. anyone who is in college/20something savvy and who knows what a blog is definitely knows what friendster is so i dont need to explain it to you bitches.
friendster started off very basic, with a profile and pictures and a way to add people to your friendster list. my first friendster was mike "white chocolate" green, and he has about 100 hot yatches on his friendster list so my network was straight naughty for its kickoff party. over time i picked up friendsters here and there.... in the initial hype of friendster, everyone was sending everyone friendster requests. it was like a free agency draft for every mother fucker with an internet connection and 2 hours to burn.
the dude who created friendster has some issues. in a not-too-long-ago article, he was interviewed about the success of his .com biz. unfortunately he lost his cool and started going off on fake aliases on his little creation. fake friendsters, for the unhip, are called "fakesters" and i guarantee you also know at least one person who has 2 friendster accounts or more. just read here. for example, jonny a. wild created the character "Borat" and hopes to one day have 1000 fake friends. of course 3 other copycats have also created borat characters, so theyre jonesin for random bitches to hit them up.
my problem with friendster has nothing to do with the architecture or policies thrust upon its users. here is what i fucking hate: friendster whores. these are the people who have over 100 friendsters on their list. now i am not jealous of these people, dont get that idea into your head. i see plenty of people i know that i could hit up for friendster. the thing is, THEY AREN'T MY FUCKING FRIENDS. ergo, if i would never ever speak to them or they are not someone i have interacted with at some point in my life, there is no need for me to collect them like a fucking token in my friend bin. the biggest whore in my friendster network is definitely Luis. mother fucker has 136 friendsters. bro, nick ducoff should NOT be on anyones friendster list. scary martin should have a fucking friendster restraining order.
my friendster list is fucking VIP only. i reject friendster requests. (who does that?! and does it send a rejection letter back to the person?) clearly someone friendster requesting me is the cause for all this ranting. but i mean, i havent talked to the kid in 3 years and even when i lived in the same house we never ever chilled. we are already connected through fucking 50 other people, whats the point of adding you to my list? also bald men who would suck dick for $10,000 are still in my 'new friendster request' bin... not necessarily getting rejected, but not getting into the shoobie club either.
so far the only thing i have gotten out of friendster is a re-connection with mander and of course endless hours of staring at the talent pool in the 18-28, 15 miles out of 30306, any interest, any status, photos only.
one day i might change my mind. i sell out my moral takes on things like this for a fucking wink and a smile. the point is, dont try and be all up in my friendster if youre not even my fucking friend. and dont try to collect hos on your list that somehow translate to you being cool. that is totally illogical. besides, everyone knows that the true cool hipsters are on myspace.com. i have never met a chica on friendster.... but if i did, i would hope that she's uh... she's got sandy blonde hair. She has uh... pretty good looking face, but I'm just getting really... just kinda TO'd because... I mean she hasn't even sent me a full body shot yet.
So I guess you could say things are gettin pretty serious by now..?
well at least someone's still using friendster. i just logged in last week for the first time in ages and was so horrified i felt obligated to send them an email telling them that their new layout sucks dick. of course, they sent me a loving and grateful email in response. i felt touched.
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