Wednesday, October 27, 2004

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Yadda and some more Yadda

This picture is for Amanda, who loves-- LOVES blumpkins.

anyhoo, snap back to reality. So i didnt want to say i told you so... but, i told you so.

Last thing: Halloween costumes. Over the course of my life i have always incorporated my ridiculous jewfro into my costume. Kramer, Broccoli, Jay. This year i had a lot of options.... i was thinking about going as Ben Wallace from the pistons, but i really dont feel like buying a fucking detroit jersey.

Then I figured I could go as Don King... my michi buddy told me to put baby powder in my hair, that would do the trick. Plus ladies love babies, so i think its a shoe-in there... just get a tux, some bling, and speak in complete gibberish (which was the plan 18 drinks in anyway)

But, I have finally decided on a costume that would be HILARIOUS. as long as i get real real real fucked up so that i can act insane, ridiculous, off the wall excited about the dumbest things.... then i can probably pull it off. does anyone know where i can get some fake chest hair? ladies, what are my percentages on getting head,sex,and anal if i wear this shit? thank you and that is all.


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